
July 8, 2019
We’ve published a paper in Perspectives on Psychological Science  (Hirsch & Clark, 2019) describing multiple ways people strive to belong (that is to achieve a...
July 8, 2019
A forthcoming paper in Emotion (Ruan, Reis, Clark, Hirsch & Bink, 2019) reports two studies demonstrating that perceiving you have a responsive partner (meaning a partner...
June 30, 2018
A recent series of studies to be published in Psychological Science  (Boothby, Cooney, Sandstrom & Clark) shows that following conversations with new people, participants...
June 30, 2018
Many studies have shown that people inflate perceptions of themselves.  On average, people think they are better than average, people exaggerate the amount of the household...
June 16, 2017
In a new paper (Clark, Armentano, Boothby & Hirsch, 2017, in press) in Current Opinion in Psychology we discuss how being in a communal relationship (or not) shapes a...
June 15, 2017
The results of several studies reported  in a new paper just accepted for publication in Cognition and Emotion (Aragon & Clark, 2017), reveal that the way in which a...
April 30, 2017
Erica Boothby, a member of our lab and the lead author on a recent Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article  (Boothby, Clark & Bargh, JPSP, 2016) on people...
