
Below is a selection of publications from the Clark Relationship Science Laboratory. Click on any citation in “blue” to access a PDF of the article. Check back often, as we will continue to add publications and links to PDFs. 


Earp, B., McLoughlin, K., Monrad, J., Clark, M.S., & Crockett, M. (2021).  How social relationships shape moral wrongness judgments.  Nature Communications, Paper#NCOMMS-20-36556B,

Carlson, R., Adkins, C., Crockett, M. & Clark, M. (2021). Psychological selfishness.  Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Monin, J.K., Feeney, B.C., Tomlinson, J.„ Levy, B., Clark, M.S., Duker, A., & Gruber, J. (2021, in press). Laughter and short-term blood pressure reactivity in middle aged and older adult spousal  Interactions.  Health Psychology.


Vanderlind, M.S., Millgram, Y., Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Clark, M.S., & Joormann, J. (2020, in press).  From emotion preferences to emotion regulation.  Clinical Psychology Review.

Monin, J.K., Sperduto, C.M., Manigault, A.W., Dutton, A.  Ather, A., Clark, MS. & Jastreboff, A. M.  (2019, in press).  Minfulness based stress reduction for older couples with metabolic syndrome:  A pilot randomized controlled trial.  Mindfulness

Clark, M.S., Adkins, C., & Bink, B. (2019, in press).  Liking and loving.  Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology,  Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press.


Clark, M.S., Earp, B.D. & Crockett, M.J. (2019, in press).  Who are “we” and how and why are we cooperating? Insights from social psychology.  Brain and Behavioral Sciences.  

Overall, N., Clark, M.S., Fletcher, G.J.O, Peters, B, & Chang, V. (2019, in press).  Does expressing emotions enhance perceptual accuracy of negative emotions during relationship interactions?  Emotion.

Ruan, Y., Reis, H., Clark, M.S., Hirsch, J. & Bink, B. (2019, in press).    Can I tell you how I feel?  Perceived partner responsiveness encourages emotional expression.  Emotion.

Marroquin, B.  Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Clark, M.S. & Stanton, A.    (2019).  Cognitive processing in enacted social support:  Effects on receivers’ cognitive appraisals, emotion, and affiliation.  Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.  DOI .

Monin, J., Manigault, A., Levy, B.R., Schulz, R. Ducker, A, Clark, M.S., Van Ness, P.H. & Kershaw, P.H.     (2019, in press).   Gender differences in short-term cardiovascular effects of giving and Receiving support for health concerns in marriage.  Health Psychology.

Clark, M.S., Adkins, C. & Beck, L.A. (2019, in press).  We should study relational trajectories, but we should think through the meta-theoretical framework more broadly.  Psychological Inquiry.

Gollwitzer, A. & Clark, M.S. (2019).  Anxious attachment as an antecedent of people’s aversion towards pattern deviancy.  European Journal of Social Psychology.

Clark, M.S., Hirsch, J.L., & Monin, J.K. (2019).  Love conceptualized as mutual communal responsiveness.  In R. Sternberg (Ed.). The New Psychology of Love.

Hirsch, J. & Clark, M.S. (2019). Four paths to belonging that we should study together.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, DOI:10.1177/1745691618803629


Clark, M.S. (2018).  What is good and what is missing in relationship theory and research.  In A.L. Vangelisti & D. Perlman (Eds.)  The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships,  pp 28-38. Cambridge, U.K.:  Cambridge University Press.  

Reis, H.T., Lee, K.Y., O’Keefe, S.D. & Clark, M.S. (2018).  Perceived partner responsiveness promotes intellectual humility.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 21-33.

Boothby, E.J., Cooney, G., Sandstrom, G.M. & Clark, M.S. (2018).  The liking gap in conversations:  Do people like us more than we think?  Psychological Science, 29, 1742-1752.

Clark, M.S., Beck, LA., & Aragon, O.R. (2018).  Relationship initiation:  How do we bridge the gap between initial attraction and well-functioning communal relationships.  In B. Friese (Ed.)  APA Handbook of Contemporary Family Psychology, Washington, D.C.:  American Psychological Association.


Boothby, E.J. & Clark, M.S. (2017).  Side by side:  Two ways merely being with a close or familiar other enhances well-being.  In D. Dunn (Ed.)  Positive Psychology:  Psychological Frontiers of Social Psychology. New York:  Taylor Francis/Routledge.  

Clark, M.S. (2017, in press).  What Is good and what is missing in relationship theory and research.  In D. Perlman & A. Vangelisti (Eds.) Handbook of Personal Relationships.  New York, NY:  Oxford University Press. 

Clark, M.S., Armentano, L., Boothby, E., & Hirsch, J. (2017, in press). Communal relational context (or lack thereof) shapes emotional lives.   Current Opinion in Psychology.  (Access this article by clicking:,rU~NcJLP)

Aragon, O.R. & Clark, M.S. (2017, in press).  ”Tears of Joy” and “Smiles of Joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.  Cognition and Emotion.

Boothby, E, Smith, L., Clark, M.S., & Bargh, J.  (2017).  The world looks better together:  How close others enhance our visual experiences.  Personal Relationships.

Von Culin, K.R, Hirsch, J. & Clark, M.S. (2017). Willingness to express emotion depends perceiving partner care,  Cognition and Emotionm 32(3), 641-650.

Clark, M.S., Von Culin, K.R., Clark-Polner, E. & Lemay, E.P. (2017). Accuracy and projection in perceptions of partners’ recent emotional experiences:  Both minds matter.  Emotion, 17, 196-207.

Clark, M.S., Lemay, E.P. & Reis, H.T. (2017).  Other people as situations:  Relational context shapes psychological phenomena.  In D. Funder & R. Sherman (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Situations.  Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press.

Beck, L.A., Clark, M.S., & Olson, K.R. (2017).  When do we offer more support than we seek?  A behavioral replication and developmental extension. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34(5), 662-675.


Boothby, E., Smith, L., Clark, M.S. & Bargh, J. (2016).  Psychological distance moderates the amplification of shared experience.   Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-14.


Boothby, E., Clark, M.S. & Bargh, J. (2016).  The invisibility cloak illusion:  People (incorrectly) believe that they watch others more than others watch them.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.



Clark, M.S. (2015).  Snapshots of some college students’ close relationships. PsychCRITIQUES, 60, (28).
Clark, M.S., Aragon, O.R., & Hirsch, J.L. (2015).  Social relationships in adulthood.   In J. Wright (Ed.)  International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. London, U.K.:Elsevier Publishers.


Clark, M.S., & Boothby, E. (2014).  Prosocial behavior.  In S. Malmoli (Ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Sceince and Technology.  New York:  McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Moskowitz, J., Clark, M.S., Ong, A. & Gruber, J. (2014).  The role of positive affect on thinking and decision-making:  A tribute to Alice Isen.  In J. Gruber & J. Moskowitz (Eds.)  The Dark and Light Sides of Positive Emotion.  Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press.  

Clark-Polner, E. & Clark, M.S. (2014).   Understanding and accounting for relational context is critical for social neuroscience.  Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; 8: 12

Reis, H.T. & Clark, M.S. (2014).  Responsiveness. In J. Simpson & L. Campbell (Eds.)   Handbook of Close Relationships.  Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press.

Clark, M.S. & Aragon, O. (2014).    Communal (and other) relationships:  History, theory development and future directions.  In J. Simpson & L. Campbell (Eds.) Handbook of Close Relationships.   Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press.


Pataki, S.P., Fathelbab, S., Clark, M.S., & Malinowski, C.H. (2013).  Communal strength norms in the United States and Egypt.  Interpersona:  An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 7, 77-87.

Reis, H.T., Aron, A., Clark, M.S., & Finkel, E.J. (2013).  Ellen Berscheid, Elaine Hatfield, and the emergence of relationship science.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8, 558-572. 

Clark, M.S.  & Boothby, E. (2013).   A  strange(r) analysis of morality:  A consideration of relational context and the broader literature is needed.  Brain and Behavioral Sciences. doi:10.1017/S0140525X12000751

Clark, M.S. & Grote, N.K. (2013).  Close relationships.  In I.B. Weiner, H.A. Tennen, & J. M. Suls (Ed.)  Handbook of Psychology—2nd Edition, Vol. 5. Pp. 329-340.  New York, NY:   Wiley.

Clark, M.S., Bryant, T., Potter, M.J., Repetti, M. & Tomsich, G. (2013).  A fairy tale for our age. Review of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  PsycCRITIQUES.


Clark, M.S. & Clark-Polner, E. (2012).  Thinking critically about research on accuracy and bias in social perception.  PsycCRITIQUES,  57.

Lemay,  E.P., Overall, N.C., & Clark, M.S. (2012).  Experiences and interpersonal consequences of hurt feelings and anger.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 982-1006.

Clark-Polner, E., & Clark, M.S. (2012).  Lessons from behavioral science for the neuro-scientific investigation of love.  Clinical Neuropsychiatry:  Journal of Treatment Evaluation, 9, 47-58.

Clark, M.S. & Mills, J.R. (2012).  A theory of communal (and exchange) relationships.  In P.A.M. Van Lange, A.W. Kruglanski, & E.T. Higgins (Eds.)  Handbook of theories of social psychology, Vol. 2  (pp. 232-250).  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications Ltd.


Monin, J.K. & Clark, M.S. (2011).  Why do men benefit more from marriage than do women? Thinking more broadly about interpersonal processes that occur within and outside of marriage. Sex Roles, 65, 320-326. 

Clark, M.S. & Clark-Polner, E.  (2011).  Trends toward young marriage may crumble, number of kin may tumble, but personal connections are here to stay:  Careful scholarship on personal ties. PsycCRITIQUES, 56.

Yoo, S.H., Clark, M.S., Lemay, E.P., Salovey, P., & Monin, J.K. (2011).  Responding to partners’ expression of anger:  The role of communal motivation.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 229-241. 

Clark, M.S. & Beck, L.A. (2011).  Initiating and evaluating close relationships:  A task central to emerging adults.  In F.D. Fincham  & M.Cui (Eds.)  Romantic relationships in emerging adulthood (pp. 190-212), New York, N.Y.:  Cambridge University Press. 

Kang, Y., Williams, L.E., Clark, M.S., Gray, J.R., & Bargh, J.A. (2011).  Physical temperature effects on trust behavior:  The role of insula.  Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 507-515.

Clark, M.S. (2011).  Communal relationships can be selfish and give rise to exploitation.  In R.M. Arkin (Eds.)  Most underappreciated:  50 prominent social psychologists describe their most unloved work.  (pp. 77-81).   New York, NY:  Oxford University Press. 

Clark, M.S., Greenberg, A., Hill, E., Lemay, E.P., Clark-Polner, E. & Roosth, D. (2011).  Heightened interpersonal security diminishes the monetary value of possessions.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 359-364.


Beck, L.A., & Clark, M.S. (2010).  What constitutes a healthy communal marriage and why relationship stage matters.  Journal of Family Theory & Review, 2, 299-315.

Reis, H., Aron, A., Clark, M., Homes, J., Van Lange, P.  (2010).  Caryl E. Rusbult (1952-2010). American Psychologist, 65, 615. 

Clark, M.S., Lemay, E.P. Jr., Graham, S.M., Pataki, S.P. & Finkel, E.J. (2010).  Ways of giving benefits in marriage:  Norm use, relationship satisfaction, and attachment-related variability. Psychological Science, 21, 944-951. 

Lambert, N.M., Clark, M.S., Durtschi, J, Fincham, F.D., & Graham, S.M.  (2010).  Benefits of expressing gratitude:  Expressing gratitude to a partner changes one’s view of the relationship. Psychological Science, 21, 574-580.

Beck, L.A., & Clark, M.S. (2010).  Looking a gift horse in the mouth as a defense against increasing intimacy.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 676-679.

Lemay, E.P.Jr., Clark, M.S., & Greenberg, A. (2010).  What is beautiful is good because what is beautiful is desired:  Physical attractiveness stereotyping as projection of interpersonal goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 339-353.

Clark, M.S. & Lemay, E.P. Jr.  (2010).  Close relationships.  In S.T. Fiske, D.T. Gilbert, & L, Gardner (Eds.)  Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol 2 (5th ed.),  (pp. 898-940.  Hoboken, NJ:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 


Beck, L., & Clark, M.S. (2009).  Choosing to enter or to evade socially diagnostic situations. Psychological Science, 20, 1175-1181.

Lemay, E.P. Jr., & Clark, M.S. (2009).  Self-esteem and communal responsiveness toward a flawed partner:  The fair-weather care of low-self-esteem individuals.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 698-712. 

Beck, L., & Clark, M.S. (2009).  Providing more support than we seek.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 267-270.

Monin, J. K. , Matire, L. M., Schulz, R., & Clark, M.S.  (2009).  Willingness to express emotions to caregiving spouses.  Emotion, 9, 101-106.


Reis, H.T., Clark, M.S., Pereira Gray, J., Tsai, F., Brown, J.B., Stewart, M., & Underwood, L. (2008). Measuring responsiveness in the therapeutic relationship:  A patient perspective.  Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 339-348.

Monin, J.K., Clark, M.S., & Lemay, E.P. Jr.  (2008).  Communal responsiveness in relationships with female versus male family members.  Sex Roles, 59, 176-188.

Lemay, E. & Clark, M.S.    (2008).  “You’re just saying that.”  Contingencies of self-worth, suspicion, and authenticity in the interpersonal affirmation process.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 420-441.

Monin, J., Clark, M.S., & Lemay, E. P.  (2008).  Expecting  more responsiveness from and feeling more responsiveness toward female than to male family members.  Sex Roles, 59, 176-188.

Lemay, E.P. & Clark, M.S. (2008,).  Walking on eggshells:  How expressing relationship insecurities perpetuates them.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 420-441.

Clark, M.S., Graham, S.M., Williams, E., & Lemay, E. P. (2008,). Understanding relational focus of attention may help us understand  relational phenomena. In J. Forgas and J. Fitness (Eds.)  Social Relationships:  Cognitive, Affective and Motivational Processes.  New York:  Psychology  Press.

Lemay, E.P., & Clark, M.S. (2008). How the head liberates the heart:  Projection of communal responsiveness guides relationship promotion.    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 647-671.

Clark, M.S. (2008).  Affiliation.  In Sander, D., & Scherer, K.R. (Eds.)  The Oxford Companion to Affective Sciences.  Oxford and New York:  Oxford University Press.  

Clark, M.S. (2008).  Communal relationships.  In R. Baumeister and K. Vohs (Eds.),  Encyclopedia of Social Psychology.  Sage Publications.

Clark, M.S. (2008).  Exchange relationships. In R. Baumeister and K. Vohs (Eds.),  Encyclopedia of Social Psychology.  Sage Publications.

Graham, S.M., & Clark, M.S. (2008).  Friendship.  International Encyclopedia of the Social Sceinces, 2nd Edition.

Clark, M.S. (2008,).  Communal relationships. In Harry T. Reis & Sprecher (Eds.),  Encylopedia of Human Relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Graham, S.M., Huang, J., Clark, M.S. &  Helgeson, V. (2008).The positives of negative emotion: Willingness to express negative emotions promotes relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34, 394-406.


Lemay, E. P, Clark, M.S., & Feeney, B. (2007).   Projection of responsiveness to needs and the construction of satisfying communal relationships.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 834-853.

Graham, S.M., & Clark, M.S. (2007).  Segregating positive and negative thoughts  about partners:  Implications for context dependence and stability of partner views. Current Research in Social Psychology, 12, 124-133.


Graham, S.M. & Clark, M.S. (2006).  The Jekyll and Hyde-ing of relationship partners.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  90, 652-665.

Clark, M.S., & Monin, J.K. (2006).  Giving and receiving communal responsiveness as love.  In R.J. Sternberg & K. Weis (Eds.).  The new psychology of love, (pp. 200-221), New Haven, Ct.:  Yale University Press. 


Clark, M.S. & Finkel, E.J. (2005). Willingness to express emotion:  The impact of relationship type, communal orientation, and their interaction. Personal Relationships, 12, 169-180. 

Clark, M.S., & Graham, S.M. (2005).  Do relationship researchers neglect singles?  Can we do better?    Psychological Inquiry, 16, 131-136. 

Clark, M.S. & Finkel, E. J. (2005). Does expressing emotion promote well-being?  It depends on relationship context.  In L. A. Tiedens and C. W. Leach (Eds.) The Social Life of Emotions, (pp. 105-126). New York, New York:  Cambridge University Press. 


Reis, H.T., Clark, M.S., & Holmes, J. (2004).  Perceived partner responsiveness as an organizing construct in the study of intimacy and closeness.  In D. Mashek & A  Aron.  (Eds.)  The handbook of closeness and intimacy. Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Mills, J., Clark, M.S., Ford, T., & Johnson, M. (2004).  Measurement of communal strength.  Personal Relationships, 11, 213-230.

Grote, N.K., Clark, M.S., & Moore, A. (2004).  Perceptions of injustice in family work: The role of psychological distress.  Journal of Family Psychology, 18, 480-492.

Pataki, S.P., &  Clark, M.S. (2004).  Self presentations of happiness:  Sincere, polite, or cautious?  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 905-914.


Clark, M.S. & Brissette, I. (2003).  Two types of relationship closeness and their influence on people’s emotional lives. (pp. 824-835).  In R.J. Davidson, K.R. Scherer, & H.H. Goldsmith (Eds).  Handbook of the Affective Sciences. Oxford, England:  Oxford University Press. 

Clark, M.S., & Grote, N.K. (2003).  Close relationships.  (pp. 447-461).  In T. Milton & M.J. Lerner (Eds.)  Handbook of Psychology, Volume 5:  Personality and Social Psychology.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 


Clark, M.S., Graham, S., & Grote, N. (2002).  Bases for giving benefits in marriage: What is  ideal? What is realistic?  What really happens?  (pp. 150-176).  In P. Noller & J. Feeney (Eds.) Understanding marriage:  Developments in the study of couple interaction.  Oxford, England: Cambridge University Press. 

Clark, M.S (2002).  Relationships.  In N. Smelser and P. Baltes, (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Behavioral and Social Sciences.  New York:  Elsevier North-Holland.

Clark, M.S., &  Jordan, S. (2002).  Adherence to communal norms:  What it means, when it occurs and some thoughts on how it develops. (pp. 3-25) In B. Laursen and W. Graziano (Eds.)  Justice:  New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.  New York:  Jossey-Bass.

Grote, N.K., Naylor, C., & Clark, M.S. (2002).  Perceiving the division of family work to be unfair:  Do social comparisons, enjoyment, and competence matter?  Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 510-522.

Clark, M.S. (2002). We should focus on interpersonal as well as intrapersonal processes in our search for how  affect influences judgments and behavior.  Psychological Inquiry, 13, 32-36.


Grote, N., &  Clark, M.S.  (2001).  Does conflict drive perceptions of unfairness or do perceptions of unfairness drive conflict?  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 2, 281-293.  Erratum, JPSP 2001, 80, 3, 362. Erratum, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 362. 

Clark, M.S. &  Mills, J.  (2001).  Behaving in such a way as to maintain and enhance relationship satisfaction. (pp. 13-26)  In J.H. Harvey & A.E. Wenzel (Eds.)  Relationship maintenance and enhancement.  Mahwah, N.J.:  Erlbaum.

Clark, M.S., & Fitness, J., & Brissette, I.  (2001). Understanding people’s perceptions of relationships is crucial to understanding their emotional lives. (pp. 253-278) In  G. Fletcher, & M.S. Clark, (Eds.)  Interpersonal  Processes.  Volume 3 of the Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology. Oxford U.K.:  Blackwell. Reprinted in 2004 in  M.B. Brewer, & M. Hewstone (Eds.)  Emotion and Motion (Perspective on Social Psychology), (pp. 21-46.) Oxford, U.K.:  Blackwell.

Mills, J., & Clark, M.S. (2001).  Viewing close romantic relationships as communal relationships:  Implications for maintenance and enhancement.  In J. Harvey, & A. Wenzel (Ed.).  Close romantic relationships:  Maintenance and enhancement.  (pp. 13-25). Mahwah, N.J.:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 


Clark, M.S. (2000).  Altruism.   In A.E. Kazdin (Ed.)  Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 1 (pp. 127-130).  Washington D.C.:  American Psychological Association; Oxford Unviersity Press. 

Clark, M.S., & Brissette, I. (2000).  Relationship beliefs and emotion:  Reciprocal effects (pp. 212-240).  In N.H. Frijda, A.S.R. Manstead, & S. Bem.  Emotions and beliefs:  How feelings influence thoughts.  Paris:  Cambridge University Press.


Clark, M.S. &  Grote, N.  (1998).  Why don’t relationship costs always predict lower relationship satisfaction?  Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 2, 2-17.

Clark, M.S., Dubash, P., & Mills, J.  (1998).  Interest in another’s consideration of one’s needs.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 34, 246-264.

Clark, M.S., &  Grote, N. (1998).  Discerning others’ specific thoughts and feelings PsycCRITIQUES, 43, July. 

Grote, N.K., & Clark, M.S. (1998).   Distributive justice norms and family work:  What is Perceived as ideal, what is applied, and what predicts perceived fairness?   Social Justice Research, 11, 243-269.


Clark, M.S.,  (1997).  From Averill to from Zajonc:  Basics on emotion from many experts.  [Review of The Handbook of Emotions, M. Lewis & J. Havilland, Eds.} Contemporary Psychology.


Clark, M.S., Pataki, S.P., & Carver, V.H. (1996).  Some thoughts and findings on self-presentation of emotions in relationships.  In G. Fletcher & J. Fitness (Eds.)  Knowledge structures in close relationships. (pp. 247-274)  Hillsdale, N.J.:  Erlbaum.

Williamson, G.M., Clark, M.S., Pegalis, L., & Behan, A. (1996).  Affective consequences of refusing to help in communal and exchange relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 34-47.


Clark, M.S. &  Chrisman, K. (1994).  Resource allocation in intimate relationships:  Trying to make sense of a confusing literature. pp. 65-88.  In M. Lerner & G. Mikula (Eds.), Entitlement and the affectional bond:  Justice in close relationships.  New York:  Plenum.

Clark, M.S., Helgeson, V.S., Mickelson, K., & Pataki, S. (1994).  Some cognitive structures and cognitive processes relevant to understanding relationships. (pp. 189-238.) In F. Wyer, & T. Srull (Eds.), Handbook of social cognition.  Hillsdale, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Clark, M.S., & Pataki, S. (1994).  Interpersonal processes influencing attraction and relationships.  In A. Tesser (Ed.), Social psychology:  From some of its makers.  New York:  McGraw-Hill.

Mills, J., & Clark, M.S. (1994).  Communal and exchange relationships:  New research and old controversies.  In R. Gilmour, & R. Erber (Eds.), Theoretical approaches to personal relationships,  pp. 29-42,  Hillsdale, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Pataki,  S., Shapiro, C., & Clark, M.S. (1994).  Children’s acquisition of appropriate norms for friendships and acquaintances.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,  11,   427-442. 

Clark, M.S., & Chrisman, K. (1994).  Resource allocation in intimate relationships.  In A.L. Weber & J.H. Harvey (Eds.), Perspectives on close relationships (pp. 176-192).  Boston:  Allyn & Bacon.

Mehta, P., &  Clark, M.S. (1994).  Toward understanding emotions in intimate relationships.  In A.L. Weber & J.H. Harvey (Eds.), Perspectives on close relationships (pp. 88-109).  Boston:  Allyn & Bacon.


Clark, M.S. & Mills, J. (1993).  The difference between communal and exchange relationships:  What it is and is not.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 684-691.


Clark, M.S. (1992).  Old and lonely?  It depends.  [Review of Next of (non) kin.]  Contemporary Psychology,  37, 433-434.

Clark, M.S. (1992).  Communal and exchange relationships:  A functionalist perspective.  In F. Owens & M. Wagner (Eds.).  Progress in modern psychology:  The legacy of American functionalism. (pp. 241-258).  West Port, CT:  Praeger Press.

Clark, M.S. & Bennett, M.E. (1992).  Research on relationships:  Implications for mental health.  In D.M. Ruble, P.E. Costanzo, & M.E. Olivieri (Eds.)  Social psychological mechanisms in mental health   (pp. 166-198).  New York:  Guilford.

Williamson, G.M. & Clark, M.S. (1992).  Impact of desired relationship type on affective reactions to choosing and being required to help.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  18, 10-18.


Clark, M.S. (1991).  A theory of energetic and tense arousal.  [Review of The biopsychology of mood and arousal]   Contemporary  Psychology,  36, 123-124.

Clark, M.S. (1991).  An advanced text on the psychobiology of emotion.  [Review of The psychobiology of emotion]   Contemporary Psychology,  36, 564-565.

Clark, M.S. & Taraban, C.B. (1991).  Reactions to and willingness to express emotion in two types of relationships.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,  27, 324-336.

Knapp, A. & Clark, M.S. (1991).  Some detrimental effects of negative mood on individuals’ ability to solve resource dilemmas.  Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin,  17, 678-688.


Hendrick, C. & Clark, M.S. (1990).  Editors’ introduction:  Research methods in personality and social psychology.  In C. Hendrick & M.S. Clark (Eds.).  Research  methods in personality and social psychology:  Review of personality and social psychology  (Vol. 11)  (pp. 7-15).  Newbury Park:  Sage.


Clark, M.S. (1989).  Historical emotionology:  Some comments from a social psychologist’s perspective.  In P. Stearns & A. Barnes (Eds.).   Social history and issues in human consciousness  (pp. 262-269).  New York:  New York University Press.

Clark, M.S. (1989).  Sampling work on relationships.  [Review of Understanding personal relationships:  An interdisciplinary approach].  Contemporary Psychology, 34 (10), 951-952.

Clark, M.S. (1989).  Moods and memory:  Some issues for social and personality psychologists to consider.  Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 4 (2), 63-69.

Clark, M.S., Mills, J., &  Corcoran, D. (1989).  Keeping track of needs and inputs of friends and strangers.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  15, 533-542.

Clark, M.S., & Williamson, G. (1989).  Moods and social judgments.  In H.W. Wagner & T. Manstead (Eds.).  Handbook of social psychophysiology   (pp. 345-368).  Chichester, England:  Wiley.

Modell, J., Clark, M.S., Goode, W.J., Kessen, W., Smith, R., Willis, R. & Tuma, N.B. (1989).  Family and domestic relations.  In R. Duncan Luce, N.J. Smelser, & D.R. Gerstein (Eds.).  Leading edges in social and behavioral science.   New York:  Russell Sage.

Williamson, G. &  Clark, M.S. (1989).  Providing help and desired relationship type as determinants of changes in moods and self-evaluations.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  56, 722-734.

Williamson, G. & Clark, M.S. (1989).  The communal/exchange distinction and some implications for understanding justice in families.  Social Justice Research,  3, 77-103.


Clark, M.S., Milberg, S., & Erber, R. (1988).  Arousal-state-dependent memory:  Evidence and implications for understanding social judgments and social behavior.  In K. Fiedler & J. Forgas (Eds.).  Affect, cognition & social behavior:  New evidence and integrative attempt  (pp. 63-83).  Toronto:  C.J. Hogrefe.

Clark, M.S. & Reis, H. (1988).  Interpersonal processes in close relationships.  Annual Review of Psychology,  39, 609-672.

Milberg, S., & Clark, M.S. (1988).  Moods and compliance.  The British Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 79-90.


Clark, M.S, Ouellette, R., Powell, M., & Milberg, S. (1987).  Recipient’s mood, relationship type, and helping.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  53, 94-103.


Berg, J., & Clark, M.S. (1986).  Differences in social exchange between intimate and other relationships:  Gradually evolving or quickly apparent?  In V. Derlega & B. Winstead (Eds.), Friendships   (pp. 101-128).  New York:  Springer-Verlag.

Clark, M.S., Mills, J., & Powell, M. (1986).  Keeping track of needs in two types of relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  51, 333-338.

Clark, M.S. (1986).  Theorizing in social psychology:  [Review of Advances in experimental social psychology  (Vol. 17.)]  Contemporary Psychology,  31, 412-413.

Clark, M.S. (1986).  Some effects of everyday moods and possible individual differences in these effects.  In R. Hockey, A.W.K. Gaillard, & M. Coles (Eds.), Energetics.  The Hague, Holland: Martines Niijhoff.

Clark, M.S. (1986).  Evidence for the effectiveness of manipulations of desire for communal versus exchange relationships.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  12, 414-425.

Cohen, S., Sherrod, D., &  Clark, M.S. (1986).  The role of personality in the relationship between social support and well-being.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 963-973.

Mills, J., &  Clark, M.S. (1986).  Communications that should lead to perceived exploitation in communal and exchange relationships.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,  4, 225-234.


Clark, M.S. (1985).  Implications of relationship type for understanding compatibility.  In W. Ickes (Ed.), Compatible and Incompatible Relationships. (pp.199-140). New York:  Springer-Verlag.

Clark, M.S. (1985).  Sampling relationship work.  [Review of  S. Duck and D. Perlman (Eds.)Understanding personal relationships:  An interdisciplinary approach.London, England, Sage Publications, 1985, 301 pp.  Contemporary Psychology (now PsycCRITIQUES).  Doi: 10.1037/030686.

Clark, M.S. & Waddell, B. (1985).  Perceptions of exploitation in communal and exchange relationships.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,  2, 403-418.


Clark, M.S. (1984).  Some comments on using a component process approach to define emotion.   Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive,  4, 48-52.

Clark, M.S. (1984).  Some reviews, some new views.  Review of [Advances in experimental social psychology].  Contemporary Psychology.

Clark, M.S. (1984).  A distinction between two types of relationships and its implications for development.  In J.C. Masters and K. Yarkin-Levin (Eds.).  Boundary Areas in Social Psychology   (pp. 241-270).  New York:  Academic Press.

Clark, M.S. (1984).  Record keeping in two types of relationships.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  47,  549-557.

Clark, M.S., Milberg, S., & Erber, R. (1984).  Effects of arousal on interpretations of others’ emotions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  46, 551-560. Reprinted in Ray, W.J. & Ravizza, R. (1985).  Methods:  Toward a science of behavior and experience  (2nd ed.).  New York:  Wadsworth Publishing Co.


Clark, M.S., Milberg, S., & Ross, J. (1983).  Arousal cues arousal-related material in memory: Implications for understanding effects of mood on memory.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,  22, 633-649.

Clark, M.S. (1983).  Reactions to aid in communal and exchange relationships.  In J.D. Fisher, A. Nadler, & B.M. DePaulo (Eds.). New  Directions in Helping, Vol. 1:  Recipient Reactions to Aid (pp. 281-304).   New York:  Academic Press.

Clark, M.S. (1983).  Some implications of close social bonds for help-seeking.  In B.M. DePaulo, A. Nadler, & J.D. Fisher (Eds.), New Directions in Helping, Vol. 2:  Help Seeking (pp. 205-229). New York:  Academic Press.

Clark, M.S., & Waddell, B. (1983).  Effects of moods on thoughts about helping, attraction, and information acquisition.  Social Psychology Quarterly,  46, 31-35.


Clark, M.S. (1982).  Diverse views of emotion.  [Review of Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1978: Human Emotion.]    Contemporary Psychology.

Clark, M.S. (1982).  A role for arousal in the link between feeling states and behavior.  In M.S. Clark and S.T. Fiske (Eds.).  Affect and cognition.  Hillsdale, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Clark, M.S., & Fiske, S.T. (Eds.) (1982).  Affect and Cognition:  The 17th Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition.  Hillsdale, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Clark, M.S. & Isen, M.M. (1982).  Toward understanding the relationship between feeling states and social behavior.  In A. Hastorf & A.M. Isen (Eds.).    Cognitive Social Psychology   (pp. 73-108).   New York:  Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

Clark, M.S. & Mills, J. (1982).  Effect upon perceived choice of disparity between the comparison of best outcomes and the comparison of worst outcomes.  Social Cognition,  1, 273-285.

Mills, J. & Clark, M.S. (1982).  Exchange and communal relationships.  In L. Wheeler (Ed.)  Review of Personality and Social Psychology   (pp. 121-144).  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage.


Clark, M.S. (1981).  Non -comparability of benefits given and received:  A cue to the existence of friendship.  Social Psychology Quarterly,  44, 375-381.


Clark, M.S. & Isen, A.M. (1979).  Positive affect increases helping:  Recent conceptual replications, lab and field.  Replications in Social Psychology,  1, 28-31

Clark, M.S. & Mills, J. (1979).  Interpersonal attraction in exchange and communal relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  37,  12-24 (featured article). Reprinted in Reis, H.T., (Ed.), & Rusbult, C.E. (Eds.)  Close relationships:  Key readings.  (pp. 245-256), Philadelphia, P.A. 2004.

Forest, D., Clark, M., Mills, J., & Isen, A.M. (1979).  Helping as a function of feeling state and nature of the helping behavior.  Motivation and Emotion,  3, 161-169.


Isen, A.M., Shalker, T.E., Clark, M. & Karp, L. (1978).  Affect, accessibility of material in memory and behavior:  A cognitive loop?  Journal of Personality  & Social Psychology,  36, 1-12.  (Featured article.)


Mills, J., Meltzer, R., &  Clark, M. (1977).  Effect of number of options on recall of information supporting different decision strategies.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  3, 213-218.


Isen, A.M., Clark, M.S., & Schwartz, M.F. (1976).  Duration of the effect of good mood on helping: Footprints on the sands of time.  Journal of Personality  & Social Psychology,  34 (3), 383-393.


Clark, M., Gotay, C., & Mills, J. (1974) Acceptance of help as a function of similarity of the potential helper and opportunity to repay.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology,  4, 224-229.

Clark, M., Stamm, S., Sussman, R., & Weitz, S. (1974).  Encoding of auditory stimuli in recognition memory tasks.  Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society,  3, 177-178.